Thursday, July 8, 2010

Checking In

Ok, so I'm back from an extended leave of absence... or rather just not that much has happened over the past few months. As it stood, up until a few days ago my finances allowed me to eat, pay rent, and go to work, and that was about it. However, all within a fortnight I have had my hotel hours bumped from 21 a week to 35; and have picked up a second job at H&R Block in Chelsea, which sees me doing a few extra 5 hour shifts a week there as well. So suddenly I have gone from having shitloads of time and no money to having plenty of money, but no time.

With the accepted dramas associated with city living: gunmen running round shutting the city down, a new train timetable which makes my commute to the city lengthier and more painful, and people getting run over, nothing much has happened. The has certainly been no chaotic storms like in March, overheating days like in January, or huge concerts like in November. But I assure you that all of these things will come in due time.

Today is the 9th of July, and I'm still running strong with my personal ban on McDonalds, KFC and BK/Hungry Jacks. Feels good - I think I might never touch them again. I have got over the desire to eat them, the craving for the new burgers they advertise on TV, or the "cheapness" - because in all honesty they're not that cheap as it stands anyway. Between Turkish, Chinese and Indian food, I think I cover the food pyramid quite well.

The nights are getting colder - well colder than they were, still not getting below freezing - the average night has a "slight" frost risk, but nevertheless after fully acclimatising over the summer, I am certainly beginning to feel the cold - as emulated on my visit to Dunedin last month - what a bitter cold that was! But thanks to the people I visited, it was a very action packed 6 days, but definitely worth it! Sorry I couldn't spend more time with each and every one of you.

July is set to be a huge month of concerts, but unfortunately I managed to miss out on all but one of the ones I wanted to go to - damn lack of funds! Looking forward to 30 Seconds though, should be incredible.

Hopefully I will write to you all sooner rather than later!
Ciao for now.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My Strange Week

The oddities of this week past has not yet ceased to amaze me. We were entreated to the worst storm Victoria has seen in over 100 years - one of which I felt the full fury of from the safe haven of my workplace. Luckily my shift started when it did (3pm), and not 4pm, as I would have come across this: the reason why Metro trains cancelled so many trains - South Yarra station (one which four train lines go through) was flooded as high as the platforms. So I was sent to work to try and clear the absolutely flooded (and ruined) storerooms in the basement at work - linen was thrown away, those little sachets of tea, coffee, sugar, etc were all ruined, and my shoes (I'm sure) are now much worse for wear. We were treated to thousands of huge hailstones, which (being from NZ), I am alarmed to say I have never seen anything like it. It was not so much hailstones as just chunks of ice being thrown from the skies - some of them were the size of notebooks and 1B5's, but whatever they were, boy did they cause some damage! Seeing vehicles (even now), is rather a saddening thought, as they are now bruised forever - roof, bonnet, boot, windscreens are all dinted, mangled and broken, and millions of dollars of damage was caused - something like 200,000 insurance claims were made (before the start of business on Monday). I must say that it was not like anything I have ever experienced in my entire life. The storm we had in November was powerful, but it had nothing on this. I would hate to think what a hurricane or cyclone would be like! I am still at least even a little inclined to claim that it was a little cyclonic...
Compliments must really be passed onto the SES, who, even with the threat (and arrival) of a storm on Sunday, still had the city drained, the leaf litter cleaned, and the city looking respectable as if it had never happened.

Not much else has been happening really. In constant pursual of another form of employment, with no avail as of yet. I am enjoying my H&R Block course, even though it is so completely foreign to me - so many of these things make so much sense, yet baffle me as to why NZ doesn't have the same idea! What is with pursuing ACC when Medicare seems to be far better!

Saw Alice in Wonderland in 3d today, was good. I enjoyed it - would recommend to anyone who is a fan of 3d movies - though I still hate and despise and want to murder Johnny Depp - what a wanker!

Catch ya next time!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Reporting In

It's been a while since I've reported in, so I better have at it.

Been an eventful couple of months - finally got a job sorted, Houseman at Grand Chancellor Hotel. It's not a difficult job, so it suits me just fine. However, hot days, long pants and long sleeved shirt coupled with the physical nature of the job makes for a very uncomfortable shift. I, do, however work unsupervised so as long as my work gets done I can take as many drinks breaks as I need.

A fortnight ago, my Dad & Stepmum were here visiting, hope they enjoyed it - it was good to finally get some delicious food in my belly ;) - Oh and also have someone to spend some time with. My brother arrived the day before they left, and has settled here - a place in Oakleigh, which he seems to be loving. He tells me he has caught a pet Huntsman, I can just see that going wrong!

Chinese New Year, as per usual, was a spectacular event, with demonstrations all week leading up to it, and a fantastic celebration on the eve of the Year of the Tiger. I have been addicted to a certain Birds of Tokyo CD as of late: Broken Strings Tour, it is incredible, listen to it through at least on a daily basis, if not twice a day. The public transport system here still has a big FAIL stamp hovering over it - the buses and trams which did have Myki have since removed it, and there are talks about removing Zone 2 for trams, with buses likely to follow suit if that happened. Trains are still always late (or non-existant), but luckily none of them have affected my work hours (Touch Wood).

I'm looking forward to the Australia v NZ Cricket series - come on kiwi's, beat those smug aussie bastards and break their "unbeaten season".

Catch ya'll later

Friday, January 1, 2010

2009 in review

2009 ended in nearly the same fashion as it begun: drunk on the streets on Melbourne. The circumstances have changed a lot since I was counting down for 2009, however. The fact of the matter is that 365 days ago, I was a mere visitor in the city of Melbourne, and today I am living there. The other life changing product of 2009 was the completion of my university studies, and subsequent (yet not yet...) entry into the working world. There were also a bunch of smaller events happen - I shared a flat with 2 lovely ladies and 2 great guys - no problems ever to speak of, and we shared some fantastic times. I had an operation to fix my hearing problem, which worked incredibly well (though I fear I may be starting to wain a bit now, which is slightly worrying). I worked for 3 months as a cleaner in the wee small hours before anyone was awake (or before Sam even went to bed sometimes). I was a note taker for the university - giving something back after using their services the year before. Attended a couple of great birthday, theme, and game parties at the castle on the hill - which we always seemed to sit around and chat until 3 or 4am, which I can honestly say never happens with anyone else - will miss you guys! Hosted a couple of my own parties - my 22nd, one other (though I can't remember what it was), and my leaving party in November. I attended a couple of interesting concerts, shows, and seminars. I read some very good books - and understand why they are "classics". Clare suggested we try run the half-marathon, and we trained for that for a month or six weeks or so before my ankle decided that it had done enough and refused to let me use it for running any more (which was saddening, especially as I was making excellent progress - best time was 5km in 26 minutes). I kept my new years resolution - I didn't eat a single pie for the entirety of 2009 - though I had one merely hours after the fireworks had ceased while waiting at Southern Cross for a train that never seemed to come... I gave away all of my pirated shows and games, and have attempted to start legitimising the entirety of my music and TV show collection.

So in brief:
Number of Days: 365
Number of Diplomas: 2
Number of Airplane trips: 6
Number of Job Interviews: 2
Number of Jobs: 3
Number of Computers: 3
Weight Lost: 14kg
Pies Eaten: 0
Number of Dates: 0
Number of CDs Purchased: 21
Number of Pint Nights Attended: 5
Number of Cricket Matches Attended: 2
Number of Poker Tournaments Cashed in: 13
Regrets: 0

Hope to see you all again soon, and may 2010 bring you all the luck and happiness you seek. Bless.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Holiday in NZ (Abridged)

Right, I guess I need to post a new blog post, as I’m sure that everyone is absolutely sick of reading my ramblings.

Graduation: This was the sole purpose of my visit to New Zealand during December, and it went successfully. I got the photo’s that my parents had been hanging out for since I begun university a long four years since. Being as unphotogenic and disliking of photographs as I am, I think that putting up with cameras being pointed at me for hours while I looked like a complete tosser wearing a gown, hood and funny looking hat, was a good effort. The nerves started to flow through me as my parents dispersed prior to the parade – I did not want to be doing that walk alone, but I did find Rhonwyn to walk with (as I hoped I would). It was good to receive congratulations from friends who were both graduating and spectating: thanks Katie, McKillop, Chantelle, Amie, and all others; it was well appreciated. Sitting in the auditorium waiting for my number to be called is tough work, and incredibly boring. The longer the wait was the more the butterflies fluttered, and I was just glad to keep my gaze on my toes as I walked across the stage (which seemed to take longer than the parade), and my gaze did not lift until I had reached my seat. Dunedin has not changed: people still drink, people still ditch you in town, and you leave two-third filled bottles of spirits at friends houses. The best you can hope for is to find somewhere to sleep – which I did, thanks to Ali, Hadley and Stefan – your hospitality and couch were greatly appreciated.

I was bussed home on Monday, and worked on Tues, Wed, and Thursday. It was good to receive the call asking me to come in and earn a weeks worth of wages – everyone appreciates a few hundred dollars and a free lunch. Work was still the same as it always has been – doing menial tasks that help the full time workers out, and make their jobs just that tiny bit easier. I hope that my aid was appreciated, but if not well I couldn’t have done a better job.

Finally Christmas: my origin travel plans a few weeks prior to my visit did not actually include Christmas, as I assumed I would have a job by then and would not want to take the time off. I am not a huge Christmas fan, so would quite happily have not celebrated, but am always up for a well cooked roast lunch, and mum always obliges on Christmas day, so I am thankful for that. In addition, dad always puts on a decent spread for breakfast, so after two large meals within 5 hours of each other I enjoyed the siesta during the afternoon, only wished it was longer. I feel bad for those who were working on Christmas, and would have loved to have cooked them a Christmas eve dinner, had she allowed it. However, this was not to be the case. Christmas day is always a long day, but being woken at 6:30am, plus not getting a real sleep and seeing the dawn (as it is now), and still needing to catch a nigh four hour flight, 30 minute bus, and 45 minute train (plus waiting time) before I can have a sleep makes the journey seem daunting. There is still over an hour for boarding, but I think I shall end this post – as there is nothing more I could possibly add without repeating myself.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My Musings at 14000 Feet

It doesn’t take much to understand the size of a town, city, or even a country. However, to put the globe into perspective you must either travel. For instance, Dunedin can be traversed in less than an hour – Mosgiel to Palmerston takes less than the full sixty, as does North East Valley to Milton. Christchurch; New Zealand’s second largest city takes longer, and to travel through it takes a while longer, but to fly over it? A few minutes. However, when you start getting into the largest cities in the world; even “small” large cities like Melbourne, it becomes painfully clear how small New Zealand is in comparison. You could spend an entire day driving from Frankston to Werribee, and an hour is not uncommon for a 20km commute to work, yet Victorian think of this as normal. In New Zealand, a trip of an hour to travel 20 kilometers – let me put that in perspective: an hour from The Octagon in Dunedin to Mosgiel; from Timaru to Pleasant Point, or from Belfast into the centre of Christchurch; is unacceptable. Perhaps that is why New Zealand drivers are so impatient: there is no precedent for “traffic jams”, and as such anyone going slightly slower than the speed limit of 100; or indeed 10km/h over the speed limit; deserves to be overtaken at huge risk to both parties. Perhaps us Kiwi’s need to be more focussed on taking our time when commuting as opposed to the “bullet-a-gate” mentality we have instilled in us from the moment we get our Restricted licence.

Returning to the original thesis of this post, as New Zealanders, we have no sense of scale. In less than one day, one could travel from Invercargil to Auckland (if the Ferry was when expected), yet where will 16 hours of travelling get you from Melbourne? Well, it would take one to two hours to actually get out of the city, then perhaps, depending on the time of year, time of day, etc, a few hours stuck in traffic, and sixteen hour would perhaps get you as far as the outskirts of Sydney, if you’re lucky. Scale is not something we any perception of: a trip from Melbourne to Cobram took 3 hours to drive on the freeway, yet three hours would get you close to Christchurch from Dunedin, close to Greymouth from Christchurch, or close to Queenstown from Dunedin – the ability to surf in the morning and ski in the afternoon is quite a possible reckoning in the south island of New Zealand. I am currently over the Tasman Sea – a small sea between New Zealand and Australia – less than 2cm on an atlas – where the globe stretches a couple of A4 pages – and this flight will take me three hours – the only place outside Australia whereby you can reach within such a small timeframe from a major airport (of course I don’t consider Darwin a major airport, what are you smoking?)

I have bought this up time and time again, but it seems to never get old, so I shall bring it up again: why is there no “decent” public transport in New Zealand? We have no metropolitan trains, no regional trains, a very poor bus system (and only in selected areas), and when you do find a piece of pubic transport to sink your teeth into, you find it infested with old people who take up 4 seats with their shopping, trolly, canes, mobility scooters, and the like. You then get on, and get asked to pay a large fare for the displeasure of travelling on such a craft – something which most people will forget – and go and buy a bomb of a car the very same day. The more people there are fed up with the public transport system there are, the more vehicles that are on the road, carrying people (usually just a singular person) to a destination just around the corner – simply because it’s too much effort to walk to McDonalds or the Fish and Chip shop – so not only are we becoming increasingly lazy, but also more and more unhealthy. Last night I had Fish and Chips for dinner – and for one piece of fish and a minimum helping (and I mean minimum – it was one handful (if that)), which cost me nearly $10. The same meal would cost me under $3 in Dunedin, and $4 i5 in a smaller NZ town (such as Timaru). Now, for $10, I could have purchased a more healthy meal – such as a subway sandwich or salad, a Turkish wrap or platter, or some Asian food – all of which price at $6-$9. However, they are priced at $12-$15 in NZ, and with the low cost of Fish and Chips – for a struggling family or individual, I know what I would buy – and then drive to pick up from 3 houses down the road.

Another quarrel I have is the insane price of “good for you” thirst quenchers: yes, water and fruit juice. Today, in the plane, I looked at the menu – water and fruit juice were $4.50, whereas coke/sprite and solo were $3, that is just poor – and quite possibly the reason why I am currently needing $9,000 worth of dental work. It goes without saying that aircraft are incredibly expensive for purchasing food and drink, but the story is the same wherever you go (with the exception of South Yarra train station, where they sell water for $1); water is more expensive than soda. In addition to this, the patronage of soda in cans (especially large cans) implores the consumption of the entire can at once. This just doesn’t follow with me, as, especially with sod, drinking the whole lot in one sitting is not possible – so you end up faced with a difficult decision: throw the rest of it away once you’ve had that first mouthful and tasted the sweetness and had your thirst quenched, or continue to drink it unnecessary, and put more sugar, acid, and caffeine into your body. I’m sure that Starvin’ Marvin from Ethiopia would love that choice, and would not throw it away, but share it among his brethren – an option we don’t have because of this “super disease” known as Meningitis.

When will us “first world “ country inhabitants stop worrying about such petty things? As soon as a bee stings little Johnny, he is instantly wrapped in bubble wrap, kept inside, and sprayed with “cooling” mist so he doesn’t hurt. From that moment on, Johnny is never allowed to go outside without appropriate footwear ever again – jandals are not considered appropriate, so you end up with a generation of children growing up never being stung by a bee, never breaking their bones (because it is un-PC to allow children to jump unsupervised on a trampoline, or to play on monkey bars), and fun activities such as diving and bombing into a pool are prohibited, for what? “Safety” it is more the divine rule of the courts – where injury is the responsibility of the person who owns the property. Like hell it is! If someone is running next to a pool, slips and breaks their arm, how the hell is that the fault of the pool companies fault? And even if it were (as if they allowed slippery moss and mildew to grow beside the pool and then had bullies pushing children onto the concrete), why should they be forced to pay such astronomical sums to the parents? If their son or daughter breaks an arm, or leg, it will heal! They do not deserve a multi-million dollar payout! The upshot to this is that clumsy (which is often synonymous with dumb) people get rich out of hurting themselves – what an unfair world we live in – what is next?

Anyway, enough ranting for now, I believe that we are about to descend into Christchurch. Until next time…

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Wheelings and Dealings

Ever wonder why no one ever goes to Frankston unless they live there? I always did, it never seemed like a bad place; sure the people seemed a little strange, but then so do people from South Dunedin. It wasn't until I witnessed a domestic on the main street that I realised what the fuss was all about. Full on arm flailing, screaming, crying - was an interesting scene - luckily there were police and whatnot around, enjoying the view, so I needed not actually care. Strange place, ended up back on the train and left that shit hole. Returned there today; alcohol was nearly cheaper than water at $4.50 a scotch (as opposed to $3 a water at the 7-11), so drank my fill, and returned home to some taco's, fairly drunk. Went to the blues club tonight, interesting experience, mostly cougars on the prowl, but then again what else do you expect in Mentone?

Karnivool was brilliant on Thursday, though I swear that Ian Kenny is strange; either on drugs, drunk, or extremely eccentric. Incredible performer though, whatever he is - perfect pitch and tone, didn't miss a note the entire concert; no dance move too crazy, no head bop too out of control, no look too strange. The concert encompassed most of the album Sound Awake, though also a few songs from Themata, so Rhonwyn you need not be too jealous - you wouldn't've known much!

The other quarrel I have this week is the switching of Connex to Metro trains; Metro promising more reliable, quick, and better services. So far, I swear there have been less trains, more late, and more cancelled. The funniest thing though, being on a train, and people who expect the train to stop at their station - and it doesn't because "it is running late" and doesn't want to be classified as "late" (i.e. more than 4:59 overdue to Flinders St.), so they just skip stations so they don't have to record it - bit retarded if you ask me (though noone has). However, no matter how bad the public transportation system is, I don't have a timeframe on anywhere I have to go, so it doesn't matter if I'm late (except when they don't run promised trains - and I have to catch a $60 taxi back to Mentone), and when you're used to NO transport, e.g. in NZ, then anything (even 15 mins late) is better!

Finally, I will leave you with the lyrics from my favourite Karnivool song: New Day - a song about new beginnings, a new life, and starting over (and listen at:

How did they find me?
How did they know? This
of fate
I'm about to let go

Awake in a new light, I'm
Alone in this room
Heavy at heart, it
may be a lie
You will not see me

It's a new day
(Why did they
follow me home?)
it's a new day

One More
Step, it's
Here waiting for you, now Go
Slow, take your time

Leave No Mark
You lost your way
I hope you're watching me

One More
Step, it's
Here waiting for you, now Go
Slow, take your time

For the one so free
You lost your way
No-one held you
back from me

How do you all Speak
With a lying tongue?
How do we all Sleep
With a dying sun?

Sit down
Lighten your own
This storm is coming
You should stay home
But I feel warm

Hey, let's get
lost in the
crowd, while
searching for
something worth
Hey, let's get
still lost in the crowd
I'll show you
so much more
Much more
So much more
So much more

Are we waiting?
For the savior?
Someone to heal this
Or erase us

How did they find me?
How did they know? This
of fate
I'm about to let go

Awake in a new light, I'm
Alone in this room
Heavy at heart, it
may be a lie
You will not see me

It's a new day
it's a new day
it's a new day

Are we waiting?
For the savior?
I'm so sick of waiting
I've been waiting
my whole life

This is a new day
This is a new day
This is a new day